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How to Apply for Financial Aid

We’re here to help assist you as you apply for Financial Aid. Below we’ll cover the steps for receiving aid as well as resources to help guide you. The Saint Paul College school code is 005533.



The process for receiving financial aid.

  1. Apply for admission to Saint Paul College.
    Students must declare a major and be enrolled in programs leading towards a degree, diploma or eligible certificates to be qualified for financial aid. Awards vary based on enrollment level (full-time or part-time). Financial aid will be based on the number of enrolled credits by the drop/add deadline.

  2. Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
    We recommend applying electronically through the U.S. Department of Education’s Web site at Enter the Saint Paul College school code, 005533 so the Financial Aid Office will receive an electronic copy of the results. A Student Aid Report (SAR) should arrive in 2 weeks if the FAFSA is completed online, or 4 weeks if mailed.

  3. Prior College Experience
    If other post-secondary schools have been attended prior to attending Saint Paul College, request an official academic transcript be sent to the Student Records Office for credit evaluation. A credit/unit count of all previous college enrollment is a requirement to determine Minnesota State Grant eligibility.

  4. Review of Student Aid Report (SAR)
    Once the Financial Aid Office receives the SAR electronically from the Student Federal Aid Program, the student’s application will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. It is important that any requests for additional information be responded to immediately.

  5. Financial Aid Award Letter
    When the file is complete, financial aid eligibility will be calculated and an Award Letter explaining financial aid will be accessible at the College’s Web site at the Student’s eServices account. Carefully read the Award Letter that provides information regarding financial aid eligibility. The award letter explains procedures for receiving financial aid and/or applying for certain financial programs, such as student loans, child care grants, and work-study employment on campus. For more information, call 651.846.1386 or visit the Financial Aid Office.

    Download the award information instructions (pdf)

Spring Transfer Students

Financial aid for transfer students.

If you received financial aid during the Fall Semester and are transferring to Saint Paul College for the Spring Semester, you must cancel all Spring disbursements of financial aid at your previous school. It will delay your access to student loans and grants if you fail cancel your financial aid.

financial aid information

Helpful information
relating to financial aid.

Financial Aid Verification

Saint Paul College verifies Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information of students selected by the Federal Student Aid or selected by Saint Paul College. Students selected for verification will be notified by email that the Aid Application Status Letter, explaining the required documentation to complete the verification process, is available on their eServices account. The Aid Application Status Letter will request specific information and/or documents required for verification. Self-reported information including household size or number attending college may be requested or documents including proof of citizenship or child support paid may be needed. The documentation requested will depend on the verification group the student is placed in, as chosen by Federal Student Aid or Saint Paul College.

Students should submit all required documentation within 30 days of the request. The financial aid process will not continue until the required documentation is received. Not submitting the requested documentation in a timely manner may result in loss of eligibility for the current academic year.

Once all required documentation has been received, students should allow a minimum of 14 business days for the verification process to be completed. If the FAFSA data matches the verification information, the Financial Aid process will continue toward a complete and accurate file at which time the student Award Letter can be viewed on-line at under the student’s eServices account. Any FAFSA discrepancies found as a result of the verification process will be corrected by the Financial Aid Office and electronically submitted to the central processor. Upon receiving a corrected FAFSA report from the central processor, an Award Letter will be available to the student.

Any cases of suspected fraud of misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds will be discussed with Saint Paul College administration and referred to the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Education via Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Applying Financial Aid to Your Account

Financial Aid and other awards start applying to your student account during the third week of each semester. If you are using financial aid to pay your tuition and fees, you will have a balance on your account until the third week of classes. Students interested in charging books and supplies to their students accounts, can apply for book charging through the Tuition Office. Any charges made through book charging, will be added to your account and then paid when aid is applied.

Any remaining excess funds will be disbursed to the student through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit this link:

After the first disbursement of the semester, aid applies weekly to student accounts on Wednesdays. Any credit balance refunds will be available to students within 14 days. First-time loan borrowers must wait 30 days until the first disbursement of their loans. All loans must have at least two disbursements. Semester-only loans will be disbursed at the beginning of the semester and at the half-way point of the semester.

Additional Eligibility Information

Students who have a conviction involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan, or work-study assistance. This applies during a period of enrollment for which a student was receiving these funds.